Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How long does the Re Set Journal take to complete?
A: The Reset Journal is designed as a 60-day challenge, segmented into two 30-day resets.
After each 30-day period, you will have the opportunity to reflect and make necessary adjustments to remain on course or to explore an entirely new direction.
As this is your journal, you have the autonomy to determine how many days a week you wish to write.
Some individuals opt to write daily, while others prefer two or three times a week. The choice is entirely yours.
The journal is designed for flexibility, allowing you to complete a page in just a few minutes each day.
Q: Does this journal have specific dates?
A: No, this journal allows you to fill in the dates on each page whenever you begin and for each entry you create, ensuring it always feels fresh. You can start at your convenience, and a reset awaits you when you are ready to embark on this journey!
Q: Do you provide refunds?
A: Yes, we offer a 30-day satisfaction guarantee. If you are not satisfied, simply reach out to us.
However, we are pleased to note that all recipients of the Reset Journal have reported high levels of satisfaction.